Editorial by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,  There are two things on everyone’s mind lately. One is the presidential election and the other is the coronavirus. Besides those two subjects, there are many subjects to talk about. I don’t mean that we should not talk about those two subjects. We all will. But we should think and talk about other matters too.

October 7 marked the big debate for the possible future presidents (if something happens to the president) at the Vice Presidential debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris. The debate was set in Salt Lake City, Utah and Susan Page of USA TODAY’s Washington Bureau Chief was tapped as the moderator. This is the only debate scheduled between Pence and Harris. However, the crucial nature of the debate was clear. Joe Biden’s health is a concern due to his age and apparent mental decline, and President Trump is battling COVID-19, so we have to think about the person next in line to the presidency.

According to the authorities, the Most Dangerous 10 US cities are: 1. Detroit, Michigan, 2. Memphis, Tennessee, 3. Birmingham, Alabama, 4. Baltimore, Maryland, 5. St. Louis, Missouri, 6. Kansas City, Missouri, 7. Cleveland, Ohio, 8. Little Rock, Arkansas, 9. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10. Stockton, California. Chicago and New York are among the worst 25 cities. Especially Chicago, with about 500 murders a couple years in a row and one year over 700 murders, is statistically not the most dangerous city in the US. I am surprised. Chicago has the highest murder count in the country according to the Wall Street Journal. Followed by Philadelphia, New York, Houston and Los Angeles. More and more violence is spreading all over the country. Instead of being united, it is more divided since I came here in 1978. Rather than looking for who is at a fault and blaming anyone, let’s find the solutions.

Newark and the surrounding cities in Local Talk’s base area are not improving in this pandemic. Some follow the rules of face coverings, and some don’t. Some follow social distancing, and some do not. I understand people are tired of the coronavirus, but we must follow the direction of the CDC to prevent a spike in corona cases. Fifteen days ago, there were about 250 to 350 cases daily in New Jersey. Now, it is about 600 to 800 cases daily. In New York, they have rolled back some reopenings. Be careful and follow the guidance.

Mail-in balloting is a convenience for the voters, as they are doing on their time in their home. I know someone whose daughter received four ballots in her own name. Someone else I know received two ballots in the mail. If both persons mail the extra ballots they received (four and two), what happens? Do all the ballots count? Are we ready for the mail-in ballot system? Is fraud possible? What is the percentage of this happening? If it is negligible, we should forget about it.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has lifted the ban on all businesses throughout that state. However, the local authorities still have the right to enforce some restrictions. Florida has seen a decline in coronavirus cases since the end of July. But no restrictions, means they don’t have to have face coverings, and that is dangerous. Every state will go their own way and when the spread starts, they’ll start asking for taxpayers’ dollars. That should be restricted too.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
