Editorial by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

 The most anticipated debate from all over the world became a disaster thanks to both candidates. Usually, both teams claim their candidate as the debate winner. This time, no one was in position to claim victory. I sent a text to my son that it was a teenager’s debate. My son replied, “no dad it was a third grader’s debate.” He also added that the debate was not for the most acclaimed democratic country, but for a third world country.

Moderator Chris Wallace was neutral, but did not handle the debate well. Trump was the most difficult person in the room, stopping and disturbing Biden or Wallace when they were speaking. Maybe Wallace was afraid of insulting the president, but the president was serving as a candidate then, not as the president, and he must follow the rules of the debate. As Wallace said, the rules were accepted by both parties before the debate. He was extremely late when stopping Trump’s interruptions. One of my customers said that Wallace should have told Trump that if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut, he will turn off his microphone.

Trump had a great chance to be a winner of the debate. When Joe Biden was talking about his son (the late Beau Biden), Trump switched it to Hunter Biden’s drug problem. Instead of doing that, Trump should have saluted Beau Biden’s service. People would have loved it. If Trump would have done that, it would have been a win.

Another thing that Trump screwed up was not giving a strong statement against white supremacists. He said stand down and stand by. That means he is telling them to be ready if the mail-in balloting is a problem. No matter what side wins, there will be riots all over the country. Right now, the country is divided into three groups. Two groups have strong beliefs towards Trump and Biden, and the third group is not committed to either party. The only way to avoid a disaster is if someone has a landslide victory.

Biden wasn’t lying when he said that 4 trillion dollars in taxes will be raised for people making $400,000 or more. However, this will be only 97% of the tax increase. About 3% of the tax increase will be paid directly or indirectly by people making under $400,000. Biden claimed that 7 million more jobs will be created by raising taxes. However, while Biden might raise employment in the government or government-controlled non-profits, he will lose open market private companies’ jobs. So, the net result might be zero.

Biden’s plan is for a centralized economy. Trump believes in a decentralized economy. Both economies have advantages and disadvantages. I do not support a centralized economy. We have seen locally that a centralized economy gives too much power to the mayors, county executive and the governor. Biden has not proved that his tendency of forgetfulness has changed. In my opinion, no one won the debate, but the people who spent their valuable time are the losers. Due to bad habits of the Democratic anti-Trump slogans, I would not be surprised that Trump gets more votes than he deserves.

Five of the six largest fires this year are in California. Trump suggested about three years ago to have better forest management and take off some trees. But the attitude of the Democratic administrators in the country is whatever Trump says is wrong and do not follow the same route. When it comes to a natural disaster, it should be one team. The Republicans and Democrats all should be united as Americans when handling the situation. That has never happened in four years since Trump became President, and even a little before that.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
