by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

Wildfires in California, Oregon, and Washington have taken at least three dozen lives. In Oregon, 10% of the population has been evacuated. This is an ongoing situation. The US is known as one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world. However, they cannot solve this problem. I do not blame President Trump. The states are more involved in demanding funding from the federal government. However, this problem has been going on for decades. How come the state administrations are not looking harder for solutions?

I am an Indian. There was a huge problem in the state of Gujrat. Every year, floods were taking the lives of hundreds and disrupting the livelihood of poor people. Since they have built the Narmada Dam, the problem not only cleared up, but the state of Gujarat has flourished and became one of the best states in India. Except for seeking money, the administrators are not looking to solve the problem.

It is not the central government’s problem; it is the state government’s problem and they have to find solutions and then ask for whatever money is required. California, the largest state in the country has the most billionaires (170). New York has 144 billionaires. Most of the tech companies’ headquarters are in California. They must find the solutions. Otherwise, they do not deserve to run the show.

Election season will be in full swing by next week. It will be the first debate between presidential candidates, incumbent Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. For the first time, one of the polls (Rasmussen Reports) shows that Trump is leading by 1 point. According to, Joe Biden had a lead of 7.4 over Donald Trump on Sept. 15. Today, the average lead has been reduced from 8 percentage points on Sept. 11 to 6.2 on Sept. 16.

These have shifted despite Trump’s comments to Bob Woodward about the real situation of the coronavirus. He knew back in February that the virus was deadly and dangerous. In the interview he said that he played down the virus to avoid creating a panic. He has also been noncommittal about masks, which experts say are very helpful in curtailing COVID-19. At the same time, the Democrats have failed to support any suggestions made by the president and his administration. So, both sides are to be blamed.

Being a democrat, I want to see another democrat on the top post. However, Biden must prove his ability and capability. I have heard many arguments from the democrats that he will pick a good team and they will run the best show. Sorry, I do not agree with them. We are electing the president to serve at the most powerful post in the world. I cannot let him pass without a good test of his mental condition. If he has dementia, I don’t want him to run the show. So, he has to prove himself at the first debate on Sept. 29 at 9:00 to 10:30, at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace will serve as moderator.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
