By Dhiren Shah


Dhiren Shah: In addition to helping provide essential services, what else has the union done during this pandemic?

Charles Hall: As far as Local 108, the Union I serve, we went into emergency mode, opening our office 7 days a week. We immediately reached out to our members in every possible way (texting, conference calls and zoom meetings). We sent every employer under contract a health and safety letter and requested a zoom meeting. Our local union hired a health and safety consultant to make sure our members were safe. We continue to conduct daily labor management calls focusing on health and safety and hazard pay.

We also did informational zoom meetings, covering topics such as stress and an interfaith spiritual meeting to help our members know how to cope the pressure and stress. We made ourselves available around the clock for the membership. I wanted our members to know we are there for them. Our union guided our members with unemployment, disability, workers compensation many other matters of concern.

Dhiren Shah: Can you tell us about the union’s involvement in the community?

Charles Hall: Local 108 believes strongly in helping out in the community. In fact, it is the mission of unions to lend a helping in the community. After all, unions are about lifting people up. I know you could find hundreds of stories about unions across our state helping those in need, children, education, sick, elderly, veterans, scouts, and many other charitable and community efforts.

Local 108 works closely with the Essex West Hudson labor council under the leadership of President Thomas Giblin and the council every year, with thousands of dollars in scholarships. We also are a part of a labor advisory committee that raises funds for the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund.

We support the African American Parades Organization, the AIDS Resource Foundation for Children and other worthy charities. The labor movement believes in lifting people up and building good communities.

Dhiren Shah: Thank you very much for your time.

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By Dhiren
