Dhiren Shah: Welcome, Mayor Emeritus Wayne Smith to this interview. I hope you and your family are safe in this pandemic. What is your opinion about handling COVID-19 situation by our governor Phil Murphy?

Wayne Smith: I believe Governor Murphy is doing a fair job handling the extremely difficult COVID-19 pandemic. High marks in being out front and communicating. However, whatever his decisions are regarding issues like business openings/closings, how we vote should be firm. The evolving data makes this difficult in decision making. The nursing home dilemma regarding the deaths and treatment issues has been problematic.

DS: As a former mayor, what advice do you have for officials dealing with COVID-19?

WS: Communicate often. Use official government media like public access TV, government Facebook page, and government website. Put your health officials out front. On the local level, drill down to the neighborhood level.

DS: What do you feel is the most critical resource people need during this difficult time?

WS: Financial resources and information.

DS: How has Irvington progressed under Tony Vauss in your opinion?

WS: I make it a practice not to comment regarding my successor.

DS: In your opinion, has the quality of life improved in the past 20 years? If it has, in your opinion, is it good enough?

WS: Quality of life in the world, America, New Jersey, Essex County, I’m not sure what you mean. For some people, there have been quality of life improvements and in some neighborhoods. However, the reverse has happened for some people and some neighborhoods. The challenge for the government at all levels and society at large is how we make the “American Dream” accessible to everyone.

DS: What do you miss most about being mayor of a municipality?

WS: The small things and unpublicized things you do that help people and families. Sometimes with employment, assisting young people with educational and recreational opportunities.

DS: Do you think in mail-in-ballot there has been any voter fraud?

WS: Data suggests there is limited voter fraud with mail-in voting. However, on the local level some investigations give attention to individuals that vote in communities and do not live there.

DS: What is your opinion about Joe Biden’s VP pick Kamala Harris? What do they need to do to win the election?

WS: Senator Harris was my prediction for Vice President even when she was running for President. The Biden/Harris team must make sure they don’t take any community for granted, especially in the swing states.

DS: Are you still involved in politics, and what are you doing now?

WS: I am engaged in politics in a very different way. I express my opinion to various state legislators, members of Congress. I do some quiet grassroots lobbying for some charitable and nonprofits organizations I support. My focus is business consulting and my wife’s business activities.

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By Dhiren
