Hello Readers,

All of us forgot about Coronavirus on Tuesday and Wednesday. In the neighborhoods of New Jersey, only one thing was in all of our minds: Tropical Storm Isaias. For over a week, weather forecasters were mentioning this storm, but not as a big threat. But when it hit the New York, New Jersey area, it disrupted life for most of us. Over 1.6 million households lost power. PSE&G and JCPL are working day and night to restore service. Some got it back and some did not. It might take a few days to restore everyone’s power.

Trees fell all over the state. Many roads were closed due to fallen trees. It was harder to find a good direction to travel, even in Google maps or Waze. But we all felt panic for the spur of a moment only. Our lives went back to normal.

There was a huge blast in the Lebanese capital of Beirut. About 100 people lost their lives, and over 1000 people got injured. More numbers will come out as the days go by. The entire city was spread out with glass and rubble. A nitrogen explosion was suspected, and if it was, it will impact the lives of the Lebanese for years to come.

The direction we are all going is wrong. Instead of peace, it is a competition of making explosives and dangerous bombs. Instead of helping each other in the world, a few leaders are going into competition to see who is the most powerful. This time reminds me of four great leaders: Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela who tried in a true sense to bring peace in the world. I don’t even count Nobel Peace Prize winners, because those are about politics and popularity too.

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden denied requests for taking a cognitive test during a Errol Barnett from CBS interview with moderators at a conference of Black and Latino journalists. As per AOL: “In an exchange with CBS’s Errol Barnett during a wide-ranging, multi-moderator interview at a conference of Black and Latino journalists, Biden balked at Barnett’s question about whether Biden had even taken an exam. “No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” responded Biden, who then posed a rhetorical analogy. “C’mon man,” he chided Barnett. “That’s like saying, ‘You — before you got on this program you took a test where you’re taking cocaine or not, what do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”’ Barnett followed up by asking Biden what he would say to Trump, “who brags about his test and makes your mental state an issue for voters?” “Well, if he can’t figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about,” said Biden with a laugh. “Look, c’mon man, I know you’re trying to goad me, but I’m so …  looking [forward] to have an opportunity to sit or stand with the president on the debates.”

Now is a time for all of us to know the two candidates running for president. We want to know all the facts, including the financial statements of President Donald Trump. We all want to know the condition of Joseph Biden. At his age of 77 years old, does he have dementia or not? Can he make independent decisions without anyone’s interference to protect the United States of America?

Locally, how is everyone handling the pandemic situation? Also, due to the coronavirus, the economic situation is affecting everyone’s lives. Are the administrators handling the issues properly, and not giving money awards meant to help the needy to their friends and family members instead?

Have a wonderful week.

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By Dhiren
