14-Year-Old Arrested in Shooting


The Newark Police Department is in mourning after the loss of one of their own. Detective Joseph Azcona was shot and killed while sitting in his car by a 14-year-old in the North Ward of Newark. Another NPD officer who was shot in the incident is still recovering from his injuries in the incident on Broadway and Carteret Street around 6:30 p.m. on March 7.

NPD was working in the area trying to get illegal guns off the streets, something that has been plaguing the city for years. Getting illegal guns off the streets makes the neighborhood a safer place to live, play, work, go to school, go to church, and raise children.

It’s really sad, and not safe at all when teenagers are running around the city with loaded guns. Where are they getting these weapons from?

For what reason would a 14-year-old need to carry a high-powered weapon in the community, putting the whole community at risk, not to mention putting his or her own life at risk?

There are too many illegal guns in the community, and we truly need the police and their special units to work the streets and get these dangerous weapons out of the hands of irresponsible people and teenagers.

Detective Joseph Azcona was a product of Newark, born and raised in the city. He was a young officer on the force for just 5 years who was working in the intelligence unit of NPD. You can just imagine the excitement and Joy Officer Azcona had when he first joined the force. A hometown boy giving back by serving the community where he grew up, and then such a tragic thing happens. He lost his life because a 14-year-old took a loaded gun and committed an act of cruelty.

Family members all mentioned how they are going to miss Joseph, and how much he was loved. What a great inspiration he was to other family members and friends as someone they looked up to.

Being a police officer these days is not like in times past. The streets are more dangerous, the criminals are being arrested and released over and over, there’s more guns on the streets with more firepower. Worst of all, people in the community are not speaking or saying anything in a lot of shootings, stabbings, and other crimes that take place in the hood, which makes it very hard for the police to do their jobs effectively and keep the community safe.

Fourteen-year-olds should be carrying books, not guns. Teenagers should not be terrorizing the neighborhood, running around with illegal guns. Our community is really hurting; we are dealing with so many other issues that affect us on a daily basis. Now we have to worry about our teenagers carrying weapons and not being afraid to use them without worrying about the consequences of shooting other teenagers, adults, grandparents, children, business owners and staff, and police officers. Let’s all pray that the second officer has a speedy recovery.

The 14-year-old accused in the shooting was arrested and is in police custody. Four others were held by the NPD and questioned in relation to the shooting incident.

Condolences have been sent to the Azcona family from police departments across the country. They all have sent prayers to comfort the family, friends, the community, the Newark Police Department and the city of Newark, New Jersey.

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