Hello Readers,

Alexei Navalny, an opposition leader and threat to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, has been hospitalized due to poisoning. It is suspected as an attempted murder due to the presence of nerve agent Novichok. Novichok, a Russian word for Newcomer, was introduced between 1970 and 1980. Then it was known as a fourth-generation chemical weapon.

Russia is a democratic federative with a law based state and republican form of government. The government has executive power in the Russian Federation. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is supposed to be the powerhouse. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin holds most of the power. He was elected in 2018 for a six-year term.

The wave is changing in the political arena. One of the biggest names in the United States of America, is Kennedy. No member of John F. Kennedy’s had failed since his election. On Sept. 1, in the Massachusetts Democratic Primary, Joe Kennedy III, backed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, lost the Senate election to incumbent Senator Edward Markey, who lined up with left-wing leaders like Bernie Sanders and congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. On the surface, Kennedy was good for the youngsters, as he is only 39 years old. However, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez drew a lot of young voters to the polls supporting Markey, who served as a Congressman from 1976 to 2013 for the 7th District of Massachusetts. He has served as a junior US Senator since 2013.

The times are changing, and both the presidential candidates have to be very careful in the most difficult time of our lives under the COVID-19 Pandemic. The polling booths are there, but in New Jersey the ballots will be mailed to all registered voters. They have a choice to vote by mail or go to the polling stations and vote by provisional ballot. As mentioned in my interview with Essex County Clerk Christopher Durkin, he said that the chance of a fraud is very minimal.

Polls are favoring former vice president Joseph Biden against Donald Trump. However, as Mr. Wonderful of Shark Tank said, Trump is an entertainer and he won against Hillary Clinton in 2016 because he got the most publicity through the media. This time, anything can happen after the debate. Nancy Pelosi is advising to protect Joseph Biden by avoiding debates all together against Donald Trump. For the first time after almost five months, Biden came out from his basement and went to Pennsylvania to campaign.

Being a democrat, I must support Joseph Biden. However, I want to make sure that he does not have any dementia and he must prove that before I vote for him. As president, in the spur of the moment, one has to make decisions. This is the one of the most or the most powerful post in the world. We want to elect the person who can make decisions in favor of the country. One of the democratic powerbrokers told me that the president has many intelligent persons working for him and he doesn’t have to make decisions. I do not agree with that person. In the day to day routine work, the president does not need to make decisions. However, daily many reports come to him and he has to make decisions on those. Most of the decisions have two sides, one positive and one negative. Biden must prove himself that is he worthy of the presidency.

Since March 1, average daily coronavirus cases are about 38,000. Yesterday, it was over 41,000. So, do not think that the coronavirus is gone. Essex County College and some other colleges have started online classes as of Sept. 1. School and colleges are still working hard to make sure that their institutions are thoroughly sanitized before they can start partial reopenings. I like someone’s suggestion to the educational administrators that if any student is COVID-19 positive and they are staying in a dorm/hostel, do not send them home, but quarantine them at the school or college. .

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren

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