“Earthquake on Friday, eclipse on Monday at this point I’m ready for whatever.”  Salima – Garden States Parkway Toll Collector

MOTHER’S NATURE is fickle, so I’ve been told thus April has shown up and kicking down doors at arrival. Lately, there have been so many disruptions and all that new normality that’s parading around that it’s mind-boggling. I’m told that Mercury is on a retrograde and things beyond our control may have come for a bit of a stay. For starts. this year’s Solar Eclipse will be casting shadows. Those silhouettes will be loved by some and others not.

As if that’s not enough, on Friday the 5th of April. I had been talking to a friend, and immediately after hanging up, I received a return call. “Did you feel that?” I was asked. Feel what? I hadn’t felt anything. I thought perhaps my being in a basement at the time had been the reason that I had been spared the shakedown. But then it dawned on me that earthquakes quake.

They say that they’re also called a, tremor, or temblor – which is the shaking of the Earth’s surface resulting from a sudden release of energy in the lithosphere that creates seismic waves.  So logically I felt as if basements should shake when greeting us by waving 4.8 on the Richter Scale. Surprisingly, those on the upper levels felt the quake.

What was even weirder was when I received a call from my daughter asking if I had felt an aftershock around 6:00 pm. I hadn’t, and the fact that I was standing at a bus stop a few blocks away from her house was puzzling to me. I asked a gentleman passing by if he’d felt anything as he was walking with that cool gait across the street up the way. He hadn’t now that was weird. I decided that I wanted to do a deep dive on how quakes really shake those tail feathers when it comes to our beloved Earth because I was so confused. How could I be sitting below ground or standing on ground and not feel a shake?

That was rather odd. I suppose my understanding of earthquakes is quite limited. But if my intuition hadn’t failed me, perhaps the prolonged retrograde of Mercury in astrological charts provides a better explanation. I struggle to keep up, but despite it all, I do believe that some pretty amazing things are on the horizon.


After God created the heaven and earth, on the seventh day he said, “It is good” and dang on it I believe that!

When Mama’s Mad…This shifting color act doesn’t just happen during the height of the eclipse. The movement of the Moon between the Sun and Earth can take a few minutes, starting to turn the surroundings a level of silver or gray along the way toward the total solar eclipse as well. “Four to five minutes before the eclipse becomes total,” according to a spokesperson for Solar Eyeglasses, “we’re in the intermediate phase called the mesopic vision zone – where it’s not too bright, not too dark, but the surroundings look less colorful. They rather turn grayish or silvery.” Expect any red or orange to turn darker and look for those greens and blues.

Total Solar Eclipse: During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. This creates a brief period of darkness, known as totality, in the path of the Moon’s shadow. Total solar eclipses are rare events that occur approximately every 18 months somewhere on Earth.

Partial Solar Eclipse: In a partial solar eclipse, only part of the Sun is covered by the Moon, resulting in a partial dimming of sunlight in the regions where the eclipse is visible. Partial solar eclipses are more common than total eclipses and can be observed from a larger area on Earth.

When Mama Cries…It was said that Mercury began its retrograde cycle on April 2, 2024 and will be continuing for the coming weeks of this month laying some astrological impact in our lives. On the 2nd, the youthful planet Mercury will started its retrograde cycle. The next three weeks till April 25th will be a backspin motion for the green planet, symbolizing communication, intellect and business in our lives. Mercury retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit relative to Earth. In reality, Mercury doesn’t actually reverse its direction of travel; instead, it appears to do so due to the relative positions of Mercury, Earth, and the Sun in their orbits.

When Mama Screams…It is said that an earthquake is a natural phenomenon characterized by the sudden shaking or trembling of the Earth’s surface. It occurs when there is a release of energy stored in the Earth’s crust, leading to the propagation of seismic waves through the ground. Earthquakes can vary in size, intensity, and duration, ranging from small tremors that may go unnoticed to powerful events that can cause widespread destruction.

The primary cause of earthquakes is the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth’s surface. These large, rigid pieces of the Earth’s lithosphere constantly shift and interact with each other along plate boundaries. When stress accumulates along these boundaries due to the movement of the plates, it eventually exceeds the strength of the rocks, resulting in sudden movements known as faulting or fault slippage. This sudden release of stress generates seismic waves, which propagate outward from the fault zone, causing the ground to shake.

Earthquakes can also occur due to other geological processes, such as volcanic activity, landslides, or the collapse of underground caverns. Additionally, human activities, such as mining, reservoir-induced seismicity (caused by the filling of large reservoirs behind dams), and hydraulic fracturing (fracking), can induce earthquakes, although these are generally smaller in magnitude compared to natural earthquakes.

The intensity of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale or the moment magnitude scale, which quantifies the amount of energy released during the event. Earthquakes can cause a range of effects, including ground shaking, ground rupture, landslides, tsunamis (if the earthquake occurs under the ocean), and secondary hazards such as fires and flooding.


A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, obscuring all or part of the Sun’s light from the Earth’s surface. This phenomenon happens only during the New Moon phase when the Moon and the Sun are aligned in the sky.

There are three main types of solar eclipses:

  • Total Solar Eclipse: During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. This creates a brief period of darkness, known as totality, in the path of the Moon’s shadow. Total solar eclipses are rare events that occur approximately every 18 months somewhere on Earth.
  • Partial Solar Eclipse: In a partial solar eclipse, only part of the Sun is covered by the Moon, resulting in a partial dimming of sunlight in the regions where the eclipse is visible. Partial solar eclipses are more common than total eclipses and can be observed from a larger area on Earth.
  • Annular Solar Eclipse: An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is too far away from the Earth to completely cover the Sun’s disk. This creates a ring of sunlight, known as the “ring of fire” or annulus, around the edge of the Moon during the eclipse.

Solar eclipses are remarkable celestial events that captivate observers around the world. They provide valuable opportunities for scientific research and public engagement with astronomy. However, it’s essential to observe solar eclipses safely using proper eye protection to prevent eye damage from the intense sunlight.

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Mercury retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit relative to Earth. In reality, Mercury doesn’t actually reverse its direction of travel; instead, it appears to do so due to the relative positions of Mercury, Earth, and the Sun in their orbits.

From the perspective of observers on Earth, Mercury appears to move backward for approximately three weeks, three times a year. These periods of retrograde motion are typically characterized by disruptions, delays, and misunderstandings in communication, travel, technology, and decision-making.

Astrologically, Mercury is associated with communication, intellect, and mental processes. During Mercury retrograde, astrologers believe that these areas of life may be influenced in ways that can lead to confusion, miscommunication, and challenges in making decisions. Common experiences during Mercury retrograde periods may include:

  • Communication breakdowns: Misunderstandings, unclear messages, and difficulties expressing oneself clearly.
  • Technology glitches: Issues with computers, phones, and other electronic devices, such as malfunctions, crashes, and lost data.
  • Travel delays: Problems with transportation, such as flight cancellations, traffic jams, and missed connections.
  • Contract and agreement issues: Delays, errors, and disputes in legal matters, contracts, and negotiations.
  • Revisiting the past: Reflecting on past experiences, relationships, and decisions may become more prominent during Mercury retrograde.

Astrologers often advise caution during Mercury retrograde periods and suggest taking extra care when communicating, making decisions, and initiating new projects. They recommend reviewing plans, double-checking details, and allowing extra time for unexpected delays.

It’s important to note that while some people believe in the influence of Mercury retrograde on their lives, others may not attribute any significance to it. Whether or not one believes in astrology, Mercury retrograde periods can serve as a reminder to practice patience, flexibility, and mindfulness in navigating life’s challenges and uncertainties.

The Observation Booth is utilized as a space for Andrea Dialect to stumble through, which aids in life and brand development. It can also be used by readers, subjects, and features to assist or advance our world or their own. It is a peek into one’s world from the outside. It is also for the development of content.

Everything printed here is in draft form; thus, error is welcomed and to be expected. Everything is constantly evolving, is her mantra. Seeing the work in printed format is the initial step and is quite valuable and therapeutic for developing all forms. Like Everything, Andrea Dialect uses this space as a test lab for test study and a test subject.

Here you will also find influencers, professionals, and muses who are considered “clay” who lend their image to change as doing us proud who are contributors to the upward progress of human progress. It is a platform for the growth, inspiration, motivation, and development of herself, her subjects, and her readers. Enjoy!


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