I felt that lump in my throat, a punch in the ol gut, and then a slap across my head during our introduction. When buzzwords really buzz, OMG. At first glance to onlookers, I definitely had the ol deer in headlights thing going on. But I felt that it was finally time to make amends. So bring it on tax man and money, you do matter, but taking care of things that matter when it comes to you is another story.

Taxes and law are a pretty good conversation. Having that convo with an inside man makes it much less intimidating. Swallowing that lump hard with fingers crossed now.  So let’s take a glance beforehand, which is undoubtedly much better than being made to look later. Andrea Dialect said that!


Dispel that fear and that myth, those things that hover over you like when you die, by going to the Internal Revenue website. Like Donald Trump, if you know the tax laws especially at those levels, you can make it work for you. There are all kinds of credits and strategies out there. – Rodney Williams

Rodney: As with my upbringing, many people have been taught that money is the root of all evil and all that foolishness by those who don’t understand the importance of money, when many of those in scripture were very wealthy. Even Jesus had a wardrobe when he died that they fought over. So money is very important Biblical teaching.

Overall, the Bible states that money answers all things. in Ecclesiastic10- 19. But your religion may have a poverty mindset against money, so that’s a direct paradox. The Bible speaks very kindly of money, and once again, many of those people were very wealthy, from Solomon to King David, Joseph, and the Queen of Sheba those personalities were wealthy. You have to make sure that you have the correct theology so that it doesn’t mess up that powerful message in scripture.

Money also comes in various forms. Often those basic know-how can be banked on. Whether you know how to build furniture, sew, or if you know how to cook, you can build a restaurant, or you like to clean a cleaning business. Many opportunities come through obstacles and life itself. For instance, if you were raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and you were knocking on doors.

Luckily you get to pivot; Being relaxed when speaking to others gives you the personality that makes public speaking easy. Sell cars, sell houses. Whether it’s farming or fishing, keep that going. Another great resource is bartering which is the same as having money. For the most part, I was never very materialistic, and my relationship with money when I started with the IRS in 1985 was unhealthy.

I started doing taxes+ in the ninth grade when my Algebra teacher taught us how to do the 1040EZ, which I really appreciated, so I thought I’d have a career with money and I’m still at it. Also, the club scene that I hang out with, which is House Music, is not that pretentious like, say, Hip Hop, where you perpetuate that you have money; in my upbringing, my mom was pretty humble and neutral, so ironically, I was kind of freed up from being a slave to impressing you or pretending that I had money.

But when I went into the Internal Revenue Service after passing that Governors exam, I had also been called to work for Social Security, but I chose the IRS basically because you got summers off and unemployment. That training gave me great command and conformability in the financial world.

I started off in 1985 with the Internal Revenue in the Baltimore District, and then I worked in the Manhattan District in New York City and then in the Atlantic District, and I retired years ago. I loved working in New York. There are many millionaires there, but only a few who are people of color. I left there because I wanted to be near my tribe. I wanted to be around progressive black folk, and Atlanta has that, and it is simple. I don’t like complicated cities.

New York was very kind to me. It gave me wisdom. I have to be around progressive black neighborhoods it’s depressing to be around those who make bad choices. In Atlanta, half of the people are poor, and fifteen percent are rich, and thirty-five percent did pretty well, and that’s not a bad ratio. As people, we must get our house in order, and that’s why I do what I do. We as a people must get financial education and political education. We must be at the table to foster such change.  


Taxes are mandatory contributions levied on individuals or corporations by a government entity – whether local, regional, or national.

First and foremost, you can always go to the website One of the most attractive topics for most regarding business and taxes is usually the write-offs. There are books out there that tell you what you can write off, like the IRS Publication 535, which describes what you can write off specifically, also Publication 334 forms, and stuff like that. So, no need to ramble on when you can get it from the horse’s mouth.

Do your due diligence, do your research, and be informed when it comes to both personal and business taxes. Refrain from guessing or seeking out secondhand info. Don’t just talk; get it from the IRS Publications that come from the IRS tax codes, which are, in layperson’s terms, that you can translate and learn how to strategies and live your best life.

It goes back to spiritual law. What wise man builds a house and does not calculate the cost? That’s part one, which is a spiritual principle. Number two is the IRS rule of thumb, tax planning, and estate planning, despite diverse income level start planning. First, you must get rid of those mindsets, especially when you live in America. This is a capitalist system. This is a money system here.

This is a money system here, even though the money system is changing. In a nutshell, money is energy, just like your time is energy, same thing. It’s about how you respect your time. I don’t waste time listening to bad music, watching bad tv, or being around the wrong people, and I don’t spend my money on bad objects. It took energy and life force to produce that product.

Money is energy, and money is time. It is the rule of seventy-two. Look that up on YouTube. The rule of seventy-two says it takes time to double your money. It takes time. That’s your homework assignment. Unlike in the old days, we’d just go to the library. Now you can Google that. Wow! It will just pop up on your phone, and you can learn about how to really build that business and how money works. That’s an investment strategy. That’s how you really build a business.


            A tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer by a governmental organization in order to fund government spending and various public expenditures, and tax such as the board, list public programs and services such as (source: Wikipedia):

  • highways
  • national defense
  • police and fire protection
  • public schools
  • bank regulation
  • job training
  • libraries
  • air traffic controllers
  • subsidized school lunches
  • drug rehabilitation programs
  • scientific research

The Observation Booth is utilized as a space for Andrea Dialect to stumble through, which aids in life and brand development. It can also be used by readers, subjects, and features to assist or advance our world or their own. It is a peek into one’s world from the outside. It is also for the development of content.

Everything printed here is in draft form; thus, error is welcomed and to be expected. Everything is constantly evolving, is her mantra. Seeing the work in printed format is the initial step and is quite valuable and therapeutic for developing all forms. Like Everything, Andrea Dialect uses this space as a test lab for test study and a test subject. Here you will also find influencers, professionals, and muses who are considered “clay” who lend their image to change as doing us proud who are contributors to the upward progress of human progress. It is a platform for the growth, inspiration, motivation, and development of herself, her subjects, and her readers. Enjoy!


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