A group of people trying to enter the country by unscrupulous means have paid the ultimate price.

On June 27, a worker in San Antonio heard noise from the back of an 18-wheeler. Upon opening the rig, a gruesome discovery was made: dozens of dead people who attempted to cross illegally into the country. Their deaths were caused by heat stroke due to no ventilation or air conditioning in the rear. A few children and adults survived, but had to be taken to the hospital for sever complications from the heat.

In all, 53 people died, 40 males and 13 females. Of the deceased, 46 were dead in the trailer, while the other seven died at a nearby hospital. At present, 13 others who survived are recuperating under medical care. So far, it has been determined that those in the trailer came from Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.

“We are heartbroken at the loss of life discovered in a tractor trailer yesterday evening, and grateful to all who responded to this horrific scene. Our team is caring for two patients at University Hospital: 23-year-old woman, serious condition, Adolescent male, critical condition,” University Health of San Antonio tweeted.

Meanwhile, three suspects, including the driver, are in custody, but Homeland Security has not divulged their identities after taking over the investigation from San Antonio and Border officials.

President Biden, who is currently attending a G7 Summit, gave the following statement:

“The tragic loss of life in San Antonio, Texas that took place is horrifying and heartbreaking. Our prayers are with those who lost their lives, their loved ones, as well as those still fighting for their lives. As always, I am grateful for the swift work of all of the Federal, state, and local first responders.

“While we are still learning all the facts about what happened and the Department of Homeland Security has the lead for the investigation, initial reports are that this tragedy was caused by smugglers or human traffickers who have no regard for the lives they endanger and exploit to make a profit.

“This incident underscores the need to go after the multi-billion dollar criminal smuggling industry preying on migrants and leading to far too many innocent deaths. In Los Angeles two weeks ago, I announced that the United States has launched a first-of-its kind anti-smuggling campaign with our regional partners. In the first three months, we have made over 2,400 arrests, and that work will only intensify in the months ahead. “Exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit is shameful, as is political grandstanding around tragedy, and my Administration will continue to do everything possible to stop human smugglers and traffickers from taking advantage of people who are seeking to enter the United States between ports of entry.”

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