Lord only knows how many babies have been thrown out with the bath water when it really gets down to it; in this thing we call life. Human waste is a pet peeve of mine thus saving those proverbial babes is a rule that triggers the use of these thumbs.

Logically, that day would not differ at all because it was spilling out of a box curbside when I spotted it while in a heavy traffic flow. I parked and walked back for it. Those who peered on were confused by my ascending that trash heap for mere packing paper. A very large piece they might add because it was now trailing behind me. They saw packing paper but I saw something else; I saw fabric.

One Lady or gentleman’s trash has many times become treasure. If you have had the pleasure of stumbling across the L.I.T MUSE lending their image to change as donning some found object or all hugged up with as utilizing somethin from our treasure trove as a prop, you’d agree that dumpster diving and or trash pickin is the way to grow.

That is our message when demonstrating this out in those streets. I love this ongoing project because it is utilitarian and eco-friendly in so many respects. Then I thought why not use it again. “Why Toss It?”

By using the models wearing the packaging paper once more, I could also make it into an Eco-Friendly campaign by adding a bit of Q &A. Check out the Go-To Squads cast away confessions and perhaps you’ll find that sometimes it pays to catch what’s being tossed and use it. By the way which is your favorite look created by our nontraditional fabric and/ or which of these two lovelies is your favorite Muse? Inquiring minds want to know!



What is the definition of eco-friendly?

(Featured snippet from the web) According to Merriam-Webster, the official definition of eco-friendly is: “not environmentally harmful.” When it comes to products, that means everything from production to packaging needs to be considered safe for the environment.

Another way for saying it … Clean, green, natural, ecological, nonpolluting, biodegradable, natural, organic, uncontaminating

Photo Credit & Styling: Andrea Dialect

L.I.T Editorial Muse: Nikki Vante

Q & A


I am not the type of person that just throws things away willy-nilly. So when I do discard something I want to get rid of it.  So I don’t really have anything that I wish I’d kept.  I honestly love throwing things out because it makes way for the new! Signed: Keyasia Dansby

My virginity is the answer to that question. I would have loved if the adults in my life would have talked about abstinence.  But, I find that due to them being a little bit more conservative they didn’t talk about anything.  They didn’t talk about sex until my virginity was already gone. But I would have loved to have had a conversation about how precious it was and how giving it to somebody that you want to marry is such a precious gift and once it is gone it is gone.  You never go back to that time of innocence. Signed: Nikki Vante

The thing I regret throwing away now was potentially intimate or romantic relationships of romantic interest where knowingly there was the proper go-ahead signaling and due to my own insecurities and doubts, I did not pursue throwing them away before they could happen!     Signed: Ken Speaks

I regret leaving at times when I and artists were at our peaks doing shows, being on the radio, etc.  The bonds we had; all of that. I feel like my leaving time after time, had ruined our momentum and that, to me, created rifts like the splitting of the groups, ppl losing drive and the vision, and overall the lack of musical content. Signed: 1st

Throw away, give away, same difference. I wish I would never have given away “The Giver” part of me. Over the years I have found that whether it be in my ministry or personal life I have allowed my own dreams to take a back seat to further someone else’s. Which in turn I’m left unappreciated and feeling undervalued. I have given mentally, physically, and even financially to people, places, and things and those that do the bare minimum and I’ve watched them receive greater accolades.  I just want to stop myself from loving and caring so much. I want to be a nonchalant cold-hearted individual, but caring is a big part of my fabric. It’s what makes me, me. So lots of the times I hurt in silence, cry in silence and watch my energy dissolve. I am who I am, but I’m learning to be more cautious per se. My name is Scott and I am a giver! Signed: Scott Troublefield

The thing that I tossed was life. I would not have given my life over to the system had I known what I know now. I would have definitely found another way to deal, cope and confront things. But I most definitely would not have given away my life for almost 23 years! Signed: Barry Alston (Author/Actor)

I was breaking up with a girl and because of my anger, the breakup got under my skin, and after grabbing those things that I found to be most important.   I didn’t want to go back there because I didn’t want to see her again. I was concerned that something would happen. Things were on the borderline of getting nasty so I never went back and I never heard from her again or my Stevie wonder collection. At the time my Stevie wonder collection wasn’t’ a collection at all; it was just records that could be brought and the music store was just around the corner. At the time I didn’t worship my music as many others did. Man, I wish that I had them now! Signed: Foster Jackson Sr. Foster’s Fine Apparel

There are two things that I can think of that had been thrown away #1 Books specifically comic books. I had some mint condition X-men and Avengers and even some rare Spider-Man comics. There were some old rare religious books too. #2 A relationship that I didn’t fight to save or at least preserve as a friendship for the future. Signed: AJ /Jamani Global

The house and the car that I had in South Carolina are the something’s that I threw away and wish that I had kept along with that huge loss of life opportunities. Long story short, I was pregnant at 19 and my uncle wanted me to get married. I didn’t agree so my mom came got me and brought me back to New Jersey. No marriage, no house, no car nor all that other stuff. I took a few things that could be carried with me. But I left everything else behind in that house.  Signed: Mama D

That would be, I want to say a swing coat but it wasn’t really a swing coat it was a coat with a really nice cut. I had gotten it from Marion Lake’s “Dem Two Hands.” It was printed and embroidered, it was wool and it was outlined with red and white stitching. Originally I had given it to my mom because she was a better fit. When she passed I left it there and my sister unaware of the story behind it and the sentimental value, gave it away. Tossed away, thrown away, given away same difference.  I should have taken it back home.  My sister thought that she was doing a good thing by passing a nice piece along, which is a good thing. So that was on me; although I really try not to become attached too much and as a Designer, I come across too much. It’s always more out there. More and more stuff!  Signed: Alescia Peyton, Designer

Photo Credit & Styling: Andrea Dialect

L.I.T Editorial Muse: Glam Warrior

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