Every Waking Moment

This novel is dedicated to anyone who feels the need to make history. – Kristopher Seals           

At First Glance

First of all, it was as awesome of a gift as it was a good read. There’s something special about gleaning the words off of a page that has been formulated by someone that you know. Especially when written by and when garnered from the brain of the man behind the layouts of “The Observation Booth,” which makes this section look so fab. Kris is a man of few words when he isn’t penning his thoughts, but a doer of sorts. I felt special, to say the least. But after getting over myself I begin to place my focus where it belonged LOL! 

L.I.T Muse: Indigo

Photo credit & Styling: Andrea Dialect  


At first glance, I had given the cover a once over which was quite intentional, and for the following week daily I would take a glance as retrieving it from my bag during my layover as waiting for my students. But ironically it was during my observations when interpreting the behaviors of those characters that the cover had become more of a focus, and I found myself gazing at it for quite some time.

Usually, my approach to a book is to scan what’s on the inside. It is the words that tweak my interest. Supposedly my being a photojournalist is much to blame for that because pics for me sometimes can be a bit overrated. But, after being enticed by Kris’s hidden promptings, the cover had taken its rightful place. Its simplicity was genius as overdone can act as a takeaway.

The ol never judge a book by its cover rings true here. The embellishment as should lie in those inner pages. Logically, they’ll be no spoilers here, but I will tell ya that seemingly for every waking moment that I was reading it, I was glued to the page. You’re going to want to purchase this one and take the literary ride for yourself.

L.I.T Muse: Indigo

Photo credit & Styling: Andrea Dialect  

I Gotcha Back

No worries, I got you. For that peek in since I’ve been harping on covers, I might as well keep this thing going. This is how the back of the book reads… Bobby Drucker, Jr. is a former standout football player whose history of concussions has not only made him a liability but has robbed him of much of his memory. After getting dumped by his girlfriend, he gets drunk and then gets behind the wheel. His actions lead to a tragedy beyond description. Several people have their lives changed after the incident – some with grief, others with anger. However, his connection to some of those involved is closer than he knew. Especially to Starla Johnson, a young woman with close ties to the life that has eluded him!

This book is a must-read. Get your copy today; you won’t be sorry. “Every Waking Moment” can be purchased online at Amazon, or even the Montclair Book Center if they still have copies.

L.I.T Muse: Sparkle

Photo credit & Styling: Andrea Dialect

Steel Sharpens Steel…

While being held captive by our thoughts let us turn our focus to the power of imagery. Now I know that the ol song and dance spoken above about my interest in pics or lack of can come across as a bit contradictory. So allow me to redeem myself. As a journalist and a photojournalist and merely a human being I seek out material that makes for a good story and/or picture. The unseen is my initial go-to. Because things that aren’t visible create what is to be seen most often. 

The images included here were somewhat an afterthought. Both concepts were vying for my attention to be included here so I decided to let you be the judge. Which of the two do you find to be the perfect fit for the book title? But remember that the norm can be a bit tricky because being in a sleep or wake state goes far beyond our nightly slumbers or our rise when that alarm clock screams at us. Sleeping can be spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.

 The L.I.T Models is an agency that trains and manages professional muse or features for community efforts, editorial and promotional purposes. “Lend Your Image To Change” is their motto. Friendly competition amongst the fam which I donned us to be is law. Because steel sharpens steel and they cannot be contenders in this world peering over bitterly at someone else’s lollipop, so to speak.

They are taught to up their A-game as should. Soooo whose is your favorite muse/model and/or which concept do you like most? We appreciate honest feedback so spare us the tiptoeing around. But more importantly, getting back to the subject that really matters the question is … What is that one thing that surfaces in your thoughts, experiences, or your life that seemingly haunts you “EVERY WAKING MOMENT” Good, bad, or indifferent? Inquiring minds might want to know but honestly, it is best for one’s own knowledge. I think I have mine kinda figured out. Perhaps we will revisit that question as a topic in the near future. Truthfully, let’s give that question a once or twice over and also let us follow in the footsteps of those L.I.T Models / Muse and embark upon our own self-development by welcoming competition which pulls us all up keeping that high level of standards in place. Trust me, that right there will take the whole “Black lives Mattering” chant to a whole another level, which really matters – Andrea Dialect Said that!

L.I.T Muse: Sparkle

Photo credit & Styling: Andrea Dialect

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