Today, I pulled the car over exiting the traffic flow just to wrap my head around another gruesome reality. 19 children plus 2, who had been teachers dead, killed today only moments ago. Sadly, I find myself still mulling over the mass shooting that occurred in Buffalo, New York on the 14th of May. Ten Mocha people gone, and 3 others injured, now this.

I suppose that now, the two will take turns consuming my headspace as barging in at leisure. I needed that moment of silence then. Also, let us take one now. Such incidents once again remind me of how fragile life can be, it reminds me again of the value that we must place on one another. This week I choose to convey that belief by utilizing silence because in many instances …

A PIC’S WORTH MORE … All the handsome and lovely faces you see here are the beautiful souls that I had the pleasure of making acquaintance with post-pandemic.


I really enjoyed Afro-Punk that year. Each photo had been captured during my Afro-Punk adventure in the Big Apple. Except for the image of the two bruthas, with one playing the horn. That one was taken right here in Jersey. But for the sake of cohesion, I thought that it was a good fit. Nothing brings me more joy than my camera and being out on one of my missions to anywhere as I stumble upon folk.

I have to thank Mr. Shah, the publisher of “Local Talk” for my continued pursuits as a journalist when he took a chance giving me the opportunity to hone my skills as a writer. Way back when oftentimes the in-house photographer wasn’t available at the time, I began capturing those images myself laying the groundwork for my becoming Andrea Dialect the Photojournalist and the rest is history.

By the way, if you didn’t have the opportunity to read last week’s article, it will do you good to check out the archives. I’m certain that you will find it to be of great use; even more so to us all in times such as these. Yet still, life is not all gloom and doom. Just remember that despite it all, there is hope. So let us get out there and share love and support one another so that we become the change that we need to see.  Let’s heal our world one person at a time!

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