L.I.T Muse: Blackberry Sweet Blackberry Studios

Plastic bag top and headwrap/ Photo credit: Andrea Dialect



Unfortunately, I will no longer have the luxury of shunning those oversized trash bags which despite that mandate will still align those supermarket shelves as all else. My children have always made suggestions from a stance of curiosity or even sarcasm when offering tips that were to aid in my giving up the ghost. They couldn’t quite understand my opting to use my beloved supermarket plastic bags as opposed to the normal store-bought garbage bags when disposing of waste.

Thanks to my parents I don’t like to waste and because of that, I am into the reuse thing pretty heavy. So there is a method to my madness. Number one, it made taking out the trash less of a task. Number two, the ol garbage in, garbage out thang was worth its weight in gold all by itself. Because the ol fill it up, take it out rule was solid a few times a day, on any given day. Logically, when those cans awaited DPW’s well-anticipated pick up our trash contributions could be picked out in any lineup. But so what it worked. so I worked it and every little bit counts when it comes to …

Global warming. …Waste disposal. …Ocean acidification. …Loss of biodiversity. …Deforestation. …Ozone layer depletion.

Clean Ocean Action has been fighting for decades to ban the plastics that, lightweight as they are, amount to millions of pounds of trash every year, winding up in oceans and landfills without breaking down. This is our world and I believe that we all should do our part. Thank God for those forward-thinkers who continue to make this focus.


And that’s exactly what I did when I grabbed all those extras the other day during a supermarket run. I couldn’t help myself as noted here with my plastic bag creation that my muse is wearing. I felt as if one of those little numbers should be utilized as a resource one last time.  Fabolous’s song “Throw It In the Bag” kinda popped in my head out of the blue along with a pretty interesting question that has become this week’s topic.

My co-worker Skeet (a retired draftsman) was there during the time and was the first person I’d solicit a response from. “Knowingly the plastic bag ban will be coming into effect on May 4th. If you could get rid of anything that is a nuisance or threat to our world, community, family, or anything else. What would it be? He was rapid with his response “Trump!” “If I could get rid of anyone that is Id, wrap him up, open the bag, tie it up and toss him.

Ironically everyone that had been questioned responded just as expediently. I felt that Aisha Coston (founder & Administrator of Newark’s Fallen Soldiers Facebook Grief page) issue of choices which was “Violence” was the ultimate contributor to trail behind Skeet lol. 

Nikki Vante (Social Worker, Health & Wellness Coach) says let’s ban ” Bad parenting!” this is a huge issue in our society that will cost us. Timiyah Henry (my niece & a student from North Carolina) wants to rid of all her excess clothing that’s never worn)

My good friend Ken Stevens (Ken Speaks) wants to chuck those fast-food restaurants which add to our health crisis.  

Appolon “Chap” Noel one of my biggest supporters states (D2 Studios & A+ Media) “Inequality is and has always been my core focus. As a kid, I always fought for fairness. “Somebody has to.” Mama D one of my dearest friends says, (Health Care Provider) “Can we get rid of hate. Can everybody come together we need each other?”

Now hold your horses because my issue of choice is focused totally on the environment. When at the beauty supply store yesterday. I noticed the rows and rows of hair weave and immediately saw this excess to be a huge issue when it comes to disposing of those used tresses.  Even more tragic it is for the octopus who can’t show off those things that look like legs or take that lap with them because of those tentacles being restricted by that latest but dated lace front.  That’s funny when you first think about it, but not so funny when you really think about it!


Today, I will be sure to make a few more visits to a store or two and grab a few more of my bags of choice while the getting is still good. Besides those supermarket bags being my favs, I used those babies for a whole lotta other things. They were clothing and shoe protectors.  For keeping the most fragile of my fabric pieces and storing my favorite pairs. They were used as plastic caps to keep that hair moisturizer, or my favorite hair dye trapped in.  I used them to season my fish when dumping in the fish fry and my chicken when in need of a floured dip.  They had been used as rain hats seemingly a zillion times, barf bags, rodent retrievers. Travel bags, etc.  etc. must I go on?

Plastic bags I’m sure gonna miss you and although all those supermarkets out there have been preppin us for the ol switch by offering their brand-laden cotton or whatever else totes of acceptable fabrics as a replacement for half-priced.  I Andrea Dialect will not be walking around as some sorta brand ambassador of free use or a billboard poster child. Because that doesn’t sit well with me. But I will and I am certain that in due time I’ll find some kinda trendy little number that will suit me just fine!

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