By Thomas Ellis II

Not long ago, Newark lost a community servant in The Street Doctor. He was a brother who came out of prison and turned his life around after serving 17 years for bank robbery.

I met Earl Best back in 2000 when Enough Is Enough Coalition was organizing prayer vigils, rallies and protest against the guns and violence in the city of Newark and Essex County.

“Street,” I called him, was one who gave back to the community through mentoring young men and women, teenagers and adults alike. He was active in the anti-guns and violence movement in Newark. He fought for jobs for the unemployed, he was an advocate for Affirmative Action, a public speaker, and he even wrote a book.

Many people wondered how Earl Best got the name “Street Doctor.” It was given to him back in 2000 when Enough Is Enough Coalition, UYC, the Newark Anti Violence Coalition, POP, and others use to protest the violence. United Youth Council Salam Ismeal out of Elizabeth gave him the name while we were out standing up for the people and the community dealing with all the ills that was affecting the residents. This was during the reign of Former Mayor Sharpe James, and Earl had been a fighter and activist for the people ever since, even under Mayor Booker and Mayor Ras J. Baraka.

The Rev. Al Sharpton attended the funeral for the Street Doctor, and gave some words of encouragement, Newark’s Mayor Baraka spoke about how his work in the community will be missed, and what a champion Best was against injustice. There was a praise dance team that came all the way from Springfield, Mass. to perform. His son Bukhari Bernard broke down in tears while he was speaking about his father and thanking everyone for coming out and showing their support during his family’s time of need. Other family members came up and gave reflections on the Earl Best that they grew up with.

Street Doctor organized several ex-convicts and helped them to turn their lives around. Earl called them the Street Warriors, many of them attended the funeral for their leader and told stories of the group and its inception.

Back in the early 2000, and even up until 2021, Street Doctor and the Street Warriors played a great role in the city of Newark along with the other groups and organizations changing lives and making a huge difference wherever they went throughout Essex County.

I will say this about Mr. Earl Best – aka Street Doctor. He had courage, and courage is what is needed to make a difference in the lives of those who will not stand up for themselves. He visited many blocks, corners, and hoods, where others would not go, to stand for making a change and to stop the killing in the community. It takes courage to stand up, and Street showed everyone that he was not afraid.

Hats off to Street for a job well done. you will truly be missed.

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By Dhiren
