Former Wife of Muhammad Ali, the Greatest Boxer of our time

By Dhiren Shah

Sometimes, people follow others just on the basis of their popularity. But, there are some people who has a very important side of the story, but it goes under the radar. I think that happened to Dr. Khalilah Camacho-Ali, Muhammad Ali’s former wife. Coincidently, her bodyguard called me for his side of the story, and after a talk, “Local Talk” decided to interview Dr. Ali.

Dhiren Shah: Welcome to this interview Dr. Ali. What is the name of your book you are releasing and what subjects are you writing about it?

Khalilah Camacho-Ali: The name of the book is “The Forgiveness.” It is about my side of the story that has never been published. During the time of divorces and all that I was going through a lot and a lot of feelings were not transpired. Times went by and when his book came out, my side of the story was not exposed, and nobody called me and asked anything. It is always about him, and he never gave the other side. There was no balance. I had not been given a chance to explain the true side. His story is not complete without my side of the story.

DS: I agree with you that there is always two sides of the story. If I want to be neutral between you and Muhammad Ali, then I have to be neutral and I have to listen both sides of the story. You were about 17 years old when you got married to the boxing great Muhammad Ali. How was Mr. Ali’s behavior at home with your children and you?

KCA: This is the whole part of the story. We had a happy relationship and was much involved with the children at that time. During a lot of times, we had been together, a lot of his obligations had to be met. He has a lot of time as we weren’t fighting.  He was spending much time with his children. and time went on and he got his license, and he was released from the judicial system and his case was overridden and he won his case. It was all good.

DS: As I read on Google, you were a good writer and motivational speaker. How is the impact of your children’s book on children and parents as well?

KCA: The children’s book was the first book I wrote. I was going through a transition myself. Not so much with getting out of the shadows of Muhammad Ali, but getting on a different course of my life, and what I want to give to the world. So, I had to make different choices. I had to go deep and deep into my spiritual side in the world, and look at the challenges, and what I have to do next now.

I started reading the story of the Prophet Muhammad and his tribulations through his life, and I find him very interesting, because of his character. I had to find out a lot about his character and his manners towards the people he was around. It was a revelation and vision to help our children, so they can be better people. I can share that with everybody. Most importantly, to help my own. I came up in a very religious family, with good manners and dedication, and I learned things from my parents and grandparents. I created a coloring book, and as you color, you are learning something at the same time. This book can teach manners and etiquette.

DS: In your opinion, has the quality of life in African American communities improved in the past 25 years?

KCA: Oh yes, definitely it has improved. People don’t talk about it, and you don’t hear in the news about it. That’s why people think that it has not improved, but it has. It has improved tremendously. Because of the new generation, it is a different generation out there, as opposed to my generation. There is learning every day, things like kindest, generosity, the Quran. A lot of people don’t promote it, they don’t read about it, they don’t talk about it, and just expose much of the negative parts. It looks like nothing has happened, but it has happened. A lot of people promote the negative side, but the quality of life has improved.

DS: Do you blame the media for that?

KCA: I can’t blame the media, but we should be in the media to expose the facts. Nobody wants to hear about good news. If the students in journalism expose the good side of the news, then it’s getting better.

DS: I agree with you. This past week on Local Talk’s front page, there was a story about East Orange school children celebrating their championship victory.

KCA: You are an exceptionally brilliant journalist. That’s why Bubba my friend told me about you and then I said, “Oh man, I have to talk to this guy.” I want to talk to you because you stressed very important issues. That is why we are here today.

DS: Would you like to live a normal life or a celebrity life?

KCA: I am satisfied with what comes my way. When you say a normal life or celebrated life, my life is always been a celebrated life. That type of celebrity to me is normal, if you have something to give back, and it will help somebody else. It doesn’t mean anything if you can’t help or share with others, that what you are celebrating about. I am glad that I have a celebrated life and I am happy to be in it. Because people will listen to you, and it’s a good thing that you are spreading something positive back.

DS: Have you helped people improve their quality of life? If yes, when and where?

KCA: I have always helped people. All my life I have done that since I was a girl. My mother volunteered and helped the sick and I would be with her. Elderly people, they can’t travel, they can’t go to supermarket, we volunteer and help those individuals. We go shop for them, help them if the house needs cleaning, if they need cooking done. Today, there is a caregiver service. We didn’t work for an agency, we did it solely on our own. We did it in our free volunteer time, day after day and week after week. We helped the elderly and others. I enjoyed that when I was little. It was very gratifying to do that.

DS: Do you have any message for Local Talk’s readers?

KCA: The message is continue doing what you are doing, spreading the good news, changing the world by showing the world that it is getting better. And it’s positive. Even though there are bad people around us, we have to show them evil does not win this fight for humanity. We are here to be kind, we are here to share, and this is a good life. We have to share, and it’s a good world out there. This is a happy place and time you are in. My message is “Don’t count the days, make the days count.”

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By Dhiren
