EDITORIAL by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

Local Talk Weekly Newspaper will be celebrating its 21st anniversary on November 1, 2021. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for the residents living in the community. Are we have an impact, or very little? Local Talk is determined to find the news which impacts the people of urban Essex County.

We are trying to bring some new ideas every year and that brought us closer to the residents of Essex County. However, the quality of life has not improved drastically. I would not like to blame anyone, but sometimes people can find solutions themselves. We have heard many stories about a person who became successful, and their starting point was very small. Not only in business, but many other fields we have seen successful persons do this in music, entertainment, farming, nonprofit organizations, technology and much more. So, please think twice as to how you could improve your own community. We should not depend only upon the government. They cannot do everything, but if you have ideas, they may support you. A clean community, crime free community, and a passion for education may help the community to grow. I have pointed out some things, but you might have better suggestions for this. If you do, please write to localtalknews@gmail.com. My goal is to improve the quality of life. With your help, my team and I will move forward and improve quality of life in real sense.

When Biden took office on January 20, 2021 his approval rating was 53% and disapproval was 38%. Now, his approval rating is 44.5% and disapproval is 49.2%. His administration has done a good job to push for vaccinations, but there is still a long way to go. Some of the blame goes to some of the media, who announced 70% vaccination with at least one dose on August 4, 2021 (30 days after July 4, as predicted by President Biden in the beginning). After the announcement from the large media, Biden also announced that 70% vaccination is done with at least one dose). Even after two months we have only 56.8% fully vaccinated and with an additional one vaccination, 65.6% vaccination is done. Why all the lying, that throws away people who are not committed for non-vaccination? The US remains as having the highest COVID cases, over 50,000 cases a day.

On Oct. 12, New York had the highest cases (4,975) in the US and the NY state administration is committed to vaccination. Vaccination is becoming big business for many. People have a distrust for the people who talk and campaign for vaccination with the intention of business. It’s like how I receive calls every day from one of the unknown numbers with the county executive’s voice suggesting vaccination. Bothering them too many times may make people stronger in their belief of not getting vaccinated.

Right now, the most popular story or news is the murder of Gabby Petito. On Oct. 12, Teton County coroner Brent Blue told the press that Petito’s death was due to strangulation. Petito’s death has been declared as homicide. The only suspect in this case is Petito’s boyfriend, Brian Laundrie. However, no one knows his whereabouts. On Sept. 23, the FBI issued an arrest warrant for him. I hope the police or FBI can find Laundrie and solve this mysterious case.

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
