By Lev D. Zilbermints

About 35 people participated in a protest held August 11 by Newark Penn Station, demanding the lifting of the blockade on Cuba. Originally scheduled to be at 1 Gateway Hilton, the offices of U.S. Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez, the protest was moved to the corner of Market Street and Raymond Blvd. because of ongoing construction.

The protest was organized by NY-NJ Cuba Si Coalition; Socialist Workers Party ’21 Campaign; Veterans for Peace; Green Party; International Free Alex Saab Committee; People’s Organization for Progress; Workers World; and other organizations.

As cars honked in support and Cuban flags imprinted with an image of Che Guevara flapped in the wind, speakers delivered fiery speeches blasting U.S. imperialism. Chants of “Cuba Si, Blo quo (Blockade) No!” repeatedly filled the air.

A petition to stop U.S. – Republic of South Korea military exercises was circulated among the attendees.

Sara Flounders, of International Action Center, told the audience that “U.S. sanctioned 39 countries, including Somalia, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Nicaragua. A third of the world are sanctioned.  We stand against U. S. imperialism. Humanitarian crisis in Cuba. Who created it? The U.S.”

“This… is solidarity with all the people of the world.”

 The protesters also demanded the release of Alex Saab, a former diplomat who was allegedly “kidnapped by U.S. government for trying to buy humanitarian relief in violation of U.S. sanctions.”

“He is not alone. The people of the world are with him. And we support him just like we support sending supplies [to Cuba],” Flounders said.

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By Dhiren
