Hello Readers,

After a long time, Newark’s Museum opened last month. It was closed for about one year and a couple of months. Newark Museum is a huge attraction for people, especially with the interest in art and for students. So, it is the time for anyone who wants to visit Newark Museum, to plan it now. As part of planning your visit, please be prepared to show proof of vaccination with a copy of your vaccination card or photo, along with personal identification. For children 12-16, identification is not required.

This ordinance includes both the Alice Ransom Dreyfuss Garden and inside the Museum. It applies to all visitors, including members of the Museum, and is in effect until further notice. It is very good that due to Mayor Baraka’s ordinance on May 19th, only vaccinated persons can visit, and that shows that safety is a huge concern.

Italy won the Euro Cup, and there was violence after the loss. Italians and the English are diehard and notorious soccer fans known to the world. Right after the loss, fans of the losing English team started damaging property. They do not understand that their anger is hurting another English person and he/she might be a United Kingdom soccer fan.

The arrest of former South African President Jacob Zuma this month has triggered looting and violence in the country’s two most populous provinces amid a record wave of Covid-19 infections. However, the damage will disrupt the routine life for South Africans.

According to Wall Street Journal: “Mr. Zuma was president of South Africa from 2009 until 2018, a time when alleged corruption escalated in government and the ruling African National Congress. After he resigned, a government-mandated commission started investigating some of these allegations, but Mr. Zuma repeatedly refused to testify, despite an order to do so from South Africa’s Constitutional Court. On June 29, the same court sentenced Mr. Zuma to 15 months in prison for contempt of court and he was arrested the following week.”

A woman accused of punching a 6 year old boy got arrested after 5 days, and in a court case, she asked to be released without bail. In a hearing on Tuesday July 13, a prosecutor raised questions about the “mental competency” of Shelly Ann Hill. She is being held on felony child abuse, misdemeanor battery and hate crime charges. She has a history of list of misdemeanor cases, according to AP News. These include allegations of battery, larceny, obstruction, theft, trespassing and vagrancy. Reportedly, the Judge might release her with the condition that she will not be allowed near the Las Vegas strip with a bail of $10,000. In my opinion if her mental status is not up to the mark, she should not be allowed to move freely. She might hurt someone big time in the future.

A white California Cop stopped a young man and handcuffed him for driving too slowly. The Sheriff came and released the young man, and then handcuffed the cop to show him how it feels. It was nothing but a racial arrest, and this kind of racism must stop in the police department. However, all police officers serving in the department are not bad.

I think working with each other every day, cops must be knowing who is bad and who is not, but they are not exposing the bad cops. The bad cops might be strong and powerful within the police department, but their wrong acts and decisions are making for a bad image of the police. So I say, expose the bad cops and protect your good image.

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
