Editorial by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

Vaccination is in full force. On May 11, Local 108 partnered with Essex County and successfully vaccinated 65 persons. They had expected and planned for 50 persons to be vaccinated, but luckily within a short period of time, 65 came and got the vaccination of their choice, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson. Local 108 served free food and drinks to everyone. Charles Hall did an excellent job, and he deserves congratulations.

President Biden has also been doing an excellent job, as far as vaccination is concerned. He has a goal of at least 70% of the population getting vaccinated before July 4th, 2021. As I understood, the population means legal and illegal residents, because they can infect other persons as well.

India is getting worse as far as the coronavirus is concerned. The daily new cases are still about 350,000 and daily deaths are over 4,200. To put it in perspective, there are more people dying PER DAY in India than the entire population of Newark.

Is the system failing over in India? Is the government not doing enough? I agree with some of the critics I talked to who are against Indian prime minister Narendra Modi. When there were very few cases, Modi announced a lockdown, but his administration did not have a good plan to maintain control. Modi has left it on the state governments.

There are three types of people there. One group is very fearful and has disciplined themselves to follow the health department’s rules. Another group does not bother following the rules and do not cover their faces with masks. They want to enjoy their life and refuse to listen to the WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines. The third group follows the rules, but when it comes to travelling, they go out and travel to different states or vacation spots. When they come back, some of them gets COVID-19. Although they do regret catching it, by then it’s too late.

Biden stopped people coming from India on May 5, 2021. However, many came in the last push for traveling to the US and brought a new COVID-19 variant. There are cases in California and New Jersey where the India variant has been confirmed. So far, we do not have good information about the India variant, but it is believed that vaccination is not effective against it.

Also, India has a shortage of oxygen, ventilators, medicines and understanding of prevention of coronavirus. There are many home remedy experts who pop up and try to sell their ideology without any proven history of the treatment they have suggested. The whole world is trying to help, but it is a little late. Hundreds of thousands get the virus every day. I hope they follow the rules and come out ahead without any loss of life.

Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney and a representative from Wyoming, has been removed from her leadership role in the Republican Party. She was the House GOP conference chair, which is the third most powerful GOP position. She is an outspoken critic of Donald Trump, and has said many times that Trump is lying, especially about the 2020 election and January 6 Capitol Riot.

Trump was in favor of Cheney getting removed from this post. In return, Cheney said that she will make sure that Trump never gets back near the Oval Office.

  Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
