Doctor Is In by Dr. Adil Manzoor      OP/ED

As of right now, there have been more than 30.3 million cases of the coronavirus in the US, and even more worrying, about 550,000 deaths. Massive but horrible numbers. The coronavirus really shut down the whole world, claiming lives, businesses, and economies along the way. Now is not the time to grief, though. Our primary focus now should be on fully getting our country back on its feet, and it gladdens me to say Biden’s administration thinks so too.

Some days ago, moments after the news of the US hitting 30 million cases broke, Biden stated in his press conference that he hopes to reach 200 million vaccine shots in his first 100 days. If you remember, Biden’s administration had originally promised half of that number, 100 million shots. This new target is really lofty, but one I will get behind all year long.

It’s not the number but the significance of this number that is thrilling. This target shows that the administration is concerned about beating the coronavirus the only way we can; the only way we know how to – vaccination. Don’t buy into the ridiculous claims flying around the internet about how vaccines are dangerous and deadly.

The chances of having a 100% success rate in mass vaccinations, especially with a vaccine that took just under a year to roll out, are low. There will always be complications, but the advantages outweigh these potential complications; in fact, the advantages and complications aren’t even in the same stratosphere. We stand a chance to save millions of lives, and families, and businesses, and so much more. We cannot afford to blow this opportunity. We must not; for the sake of the 550,000 souls this deadly virus has claimed.

There’s still some distance to travel before 200 million vaccine shots. We have to vaccinate 1.9 million people per day. That’s good news, considering we are currently vaccinating 2.5 million people per day. If we maintain this pace, we’ll have more than 200 million shots by Biden’s 100th day. Again, this is the only way we can beat this virus. Many will bring up topics like herd immunity and the like, but they all hinge on having enough people vaccinated. If 70-75% of the population is vaccinated against the virus, herd immunity will be right within our grasp.

Another reason to be very happy about Biden’s target is the ambitious nature of the administration. This is not the time to be holding punches; I mean, the virus doesn’t, does it? We need to push ourselves to the limit, and I mean all of us. We should not give up on COVID guidelines; if anything, we should be more mindful of them now that businesses and schools are starting to reopen. The same applies to finance. The stimulus checks hit some weeks back, and that’s a huge step in the right direction.

For so long, we have been on the defensive against the virus, constantly finding new means to protect ourselves. Not anymore. We need to fight. We need to attack the virus head-on. Vaccines are one way to go. And this is why having 200 million shots in 100 days will massively swing the momentum of this war. Sorry, this pandemic. I’m getting too carried away with all the war talk!

My point still stands, though. The sooner we can shift the tide in our favor, the sooner we can go back to normalcy. It’s that simple.

The Biden administration has also approved a $10 billion plan to expand vaccines to low-income and underserved communities. This really keeps getting better. Seriously, this is the first article I have written in a long while without being all gloomy and depressed. The effects of the virus on minority populations have been worse than in other regions of the country. Turning attention and, of course, funds to these underserved regions will go a long way in ending this virus once and for all.

I have to call it an article here. I really am looking forward to the day I’ll say, ‘the last US coronavirus patient has recovered.’ I hope you’ll be here to say it with me. Till then, wear a mask, and stay safe.

This article was written by Dr. Adil Manzoor DO, a Board Certified Internist & Board Eligible Pediatrician, who works as a Hospitalist, and Emergency Room Physician. He is also the current President of Garden State Street Medicine, a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to provide free preventive and acute urgent care services for the homeless. He is also the co-founder of his own unique medical practice, Mobile Medicine NJ.




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