Hello Readers,

Former President Trump talked in his campaign about an infrastructure plan. However, even after 4 years it has not been done or proposed. Trump’s $1 trillion did not go far. Trump changed his plan to $1.5 trillion which would get supplemented through private sources. Biden has proposed an even more expensive infrastructure plan. It’s basically Trump’s suggestion, but while Trump was asking to raise about $1.5 trillion from private companies/donors, Biden is asking for taxpayers’ money.

When Trump’s proposal came in 2015, it had about 75% approval. We don’t know how much approval will come from the people this time. However, infrastructure repair is badly needed in this country. For the country’s growth, we must have modern-day facilities. I hope Biden will propose a plan with better understanding and less wasteful spending.

21 Senate Democrats, including Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) have asked the Biden administration to include recurring direct payments to individuals and enhanced unemployment benefits for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic in his “Build Back Better” legislation.

The New York assembly and senate passed the marijuana bill and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo has already signed it. Anyone over the age of 21 can buy marijuana from the market like buying alcohol and cigarettes. However, the city, townships and villages have a right to restrict sales within their jurisdiction. I think their main purpose is to raise taxes. Marijuana, Lottery, Gambling, Sports Betting are huge money raisers for the townships and the states.

School taxes are so high that there is no room to raise taxes even more for education. Also, those who do not have any children in a school are paying high taxes for years to come without any personal gain. Many houses pay from $6,000 to $20,000 on property taxes. The majority of the taxes in your property taxes are school taxes. When there is a referendum, most the of the voters do not read it and say yes to the questions.

The George Floyd case is in the minds of everyone. Despite people begging him to leave Floyd alone as he could not breathe, now-former police officer Derek Chauvin hold Floyd under his knee for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Chauvin did not listen to Floyd or the people around him, as well as some other officers who came to arrest Floyd. The whole story started when the cashier of a bodega / corner store called the police stating that Floyd had given them a fake $20 note. As a regular routine, they called the police. For a mere $20 bill, the police were flexing their authority, especially Chauvin kneeling down on Floyd’s neck and killing him. What cruelty. I think Chauvin should be charged with murder.

On March 29, George Floyd’s family, attorneys and supporters knelt for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to mark the final moments of Floyd’s life ahead of the opening arguments in the trial of the former Minneapolis police officer charged in his death.

If this is a regular routine, then it must be stopped. A few bad cops are giving a bad name to all the cops. I think one reason for the bad behavior is that a few bad leaders run the training system, which forces the trainee officers to work a certain way. Not only just a few bad cops, but a few senior officers should stop these bad practices.

Pfizer gave some good news, stating that a vaccinate trial with children between the age of 12 and 16 got a 100% safe result. They will apply for FDA approval for youngster. Hopefully, it works out and even more people can be vaccinated. . 

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
