Hello Readers,

The coronavirus is getting worse in the United States. Meanwhile, the media is driving people according to its own needs and popularity. The media should not decide anything. They are a mirror to reflect both sides of the story. However, three major TV media outlets are divided amongst Republicans and Democrats. Fox News is for Republicans and CNN and MSNBC are for Democrats. However, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace interviewed President Trump as a neutral person. He is always known for his independent and neutral questions, even though he works for Fox News. His father Mike Wallace was an original correspondent for CBS’ 60 Minutes debut in 1968. Chris gave President Trump a hard time, showing the facts whenever he answered something without any base. On Sunday, it was watched by over 5.5 million TV viewers.

New York and New Jersey have added another 10 states to their traveling advisory, making a total of 31 states. That means people from 31 states cannot easily visit their loved ones, cannot do business person-to-person, and businesspeople cannot check their products up close to make decisions before ordering. It is tough on those who want to move the economy forward. We must trust people with the CDC guidelines. Making the laws tougher do not solve the problem. As this is going on, it seems the liquor stores, lottery and online casinos are more important to our elected officials.

The pandemic started in China, and I agree with President Trump that we should be tougher on China. They are stealing our data and our technology. Plus, when there was a report of a fire at China’s consulate in Houston, Texas, the Chinese consulate general did not allow our fire department to work inside the consulate. What is there to hide? This incident raises the eyebrows of our administrators, politicians and the media.

From the time the coronavirus started and up to today, China has been hiding something and is not being upfront about the problems and solutions. The whole world is going through the worst pandemic since over 100 years. Now we are struggling to find a vaccine to put this COVID-19 behind us. Some countries claim that they have a vaccine, but none of the countries have positively come up with a solution yet. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being spent on the research around the world.

Due to the coronavirus, the schools may or may not open in the fall. I have a suggestion for the schools. Right now, we have a 5 days a week education system. Change it to 6 days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 50% of the students and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for the other 50%. For the teachers, they have to teach on Monday and repeat the same topic to the other 50% on Tuesday. The homework for the Monday students will be the same as the Tuesday students, as it will be for the other days. That way, the teachers do not have to work harder than they have to now, but they will get paid for 6 days instead of 5 days. The sixth day should not be count as overtime, but as regular pay.

This is a very critical situation for the world and its economy. So, the school administrators, staff, teachers and students have to work towards the best solutions possible. This is my suggestion for a solution. If anyone has a better solution, send it to me at localtalk@aol.com and I will be glad to publish it. Thanks in advance.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
