Hello Readers,

Why? What? When? All of these start with W. White also starts with W. However, when it comes to white people who talk about Black Lives Matter, the majority of them never said a word in favor of the movement. When Lisa Durden went on Fox News to talk about Black Lives Matter, she lost her job at Essex County College. Even though Black Lives Matter started 7 years ago, it did not truly reach everyone’s minds until the death of George Floyd.

There was a racial injustice 800 years ago in the UK and over 250 years ago in the US. In those days, it was a part of everyone’s life. Years later, several movements were led by Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman and many Black leaders. Abraham Lincoln saved the union and abolished slavery, but did not immediately improve the lives of Black people. However, Lincoln deserves some credit, as his intentions were sound.

Ending slavery was a start, and the struggle of many black leaders has slowly and gradually changed minds. However, the mindset for many centuries has not changed fully yet, as many white supremacists still think of Black people as slaves or inferior. I think all humans are the same: equal. With the Washington Redskins changing their name, it is just another towards progress, as the protests are growing and now, other minorities and even white people are joining the protests. Why not to abolish racism? But it’s not as easy as one speaks.

Minorities and white people should make sure that all the protests are nonviolent. All groups should treat each another as equals. Forget about the past, as long as the present equality is in existence. If anyone breaks the rule, they must be punished hard. We all should not allow any police brutality. If they have been trained that way, then we should change the system of training. Nepotism is also a big problem. When someone breaks the rule, the other family members and friends will protect them.

Also, as I have mentioned a few times before, police department have some problems, but the worst is the police internal affairs division. They do not prepare a tough report, as long as the person who has broken the rules is with their group or union. So, as I have suggested before, the internal affairs division should be from another county for one year, and they will be replaced after that year by another county.

Another problem with police is the last three years’ salary towards retirement. By flattering the mayor and the police director or police chief, they get overtime hours for the last three years of their service. The calculation for the retirement should be average overtime hours allowed for their working tenure. So rather than buttering up the bosses, they can work for the community.

There should also be a community point system. Those officers who receive good reviews from the community should get some points. Community points should decide their raises and their promotions.

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that the President was not immune from a state grand jury investigation. It is a victory for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus “Cy” Vance. Now he will prepare a subpoena for Trump’s tax records. However, there will be appeals and the outcome of the case will be delayed by a couple of months. It is critical to get the records at least a month before the November election, so the voters can make a decision by knowing the facts.

Joe Biden is not coming out in public. Many people are skeptical about his ability to serve the country. I have heard many times in his first term as Vice President that he was really good. But now the question arises if he can connect the dots on all sides serving as the President every day. Can he make decisions in the best interest of the public and the United States of America? The first test for him is to pick the right candidate for Vice President. He declared a long time ago to pick a woman for his running mate. By doing so, he eliminated many good prospects.

To beat Donald Trump, the running mate pick is crucial. The second test will be three debates with the President. Finally, there will be a debate between the running mates of both candidates; for Trump, it will be Vice President Mike Pence.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
