Hello Readers,

India has two incidents that drew my attention. First, a former Minister of the State of Gujarat in India has been arrested, and as I heard he was taken into custody. Interrogation in the US has a system where a suspect is asked questions for finding out the facts in the investigation. Remand in India has been prompted by the magistrate for find out the facts as well, but they use a third world country system with torture as well.

Former Minister Kanti Gamit organized a dual ceremony, Tulsi Vivah (a religious ceremony) and Engagement of his Granddaughter. He prepared food and invited 2000 people when the city of Ahmedabad had a curfew for 57 hours (from Friday evening to Monday morning) due to spike in COVID-19 cases.

The second incident in India involves flexing power. For eleven days, the farmers have held a peaceful protest in the city of New Delhi against the new farm law. On December 7th, the chief minister of New Delhi (it’s a union territory) announced he would meet with the leaders of the protest in their support. The Central Government Police cordoned off the area and put the chief minister (equal to a governor here) under automatic house arrest without the permission of any judge. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was under the house arrest until the protest was over. This is nothing but flexing the power. On December 8th, the home minister of India, Amit Shah, promised to sign a settlement contract, as agreed on by both parties.

New York’s Governor is going overboard. He made a deal with the CDC for not giving out any information to any other government agencies. Also, while getting the vaccine, they will not ask any questions about social security numbers or a driver’s license. If Cuomo is paying for all the expenses, then it’s okay. But if taxpayers are, then no way.

One day, politicians will propose that illegal immigrants that are living here will have the right to choose their representative, and have the right to vote. The way it is going, it seems likely.

America is made of immigrants, but there is a system and everyone must go through the process. I have mentioned once before about two Indian brothers. One wants to come legally, due to their family members living here in America; the process takes 15 years or more. The other brother will come as a visitor ,and stay here illegally and get all the rights. In my opinion, the brother waiting for 15 years is doing the right thing, but some politicians will use those illegal immigrants to get votes, money and resources, helping them to stay in power.

In Pennsylvania, a Northeastern school board has recommended firing an intermediate school principal. Scott D’Orazio was accused of sharing a social media post. Allegedly, he made a post on his personal Facebook page calling the Black Lives Matter movement a “Leftist Lie.” On December 7th, the school board unanimously authorized the administration to summon School Principal Scott D’Orazio for a hearing. The date and time have not yet been decided. .

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
