Legal Opinion By Ahmed Screven, Esq. OP/ED

Singer Kennedy William Gordy, also known by the stage name, “Rockwell,” son of famous songwriter, and composer, Berry Gordy Jr., sung the lyrics to the song of the words used in the title of this legal opinion piece herein above.

In our American television history, television programs such as, “Candid Camera, America’s Funniest Home Videos, Big Brother,” etc., have captured American audiences’ attention with their demonstrations of the public lives of American people in their everyday settings.

Moreover, in this time period of American history, almost any and everywhere, one can find video cameras both inside, and outside of commercial and governmental buildings, and even inside and outside of family dwellings, and on electronic devices, such as smart phones, tablets, androids, and even robotic devices.

However, in our twenty-first century as Americans, the ability to entertain, protect, or promote legal demonstrations of public lives of the American people, has become challenged and contaminated, per say even polluted, by the illegal, negative, and yes, exploited usage of video footage captured by wrongfully obtained video footage, from those that believe that they are not governed by law, and not bound by any moral or legal code.

Thus, hypothetically speaking, occasionally we may find that certain individuals refuse to be governed by American rules of law, as expressed in their refusal to conform, and submit to, the American rule of law, and specifically, Americas’ privacy law protections of the Constitution, found within the Fourth Amendment.

Accordingly, the Constitution of the United States, sets the standards and the legal limitations, expressed and bound within the Fourth Amendment, of the Constitution, that states in paraphrase, that all Americans have the inherent “right to privacy.”  Simply, Americans have legal protection from any litany of illegal or, “invasionary,” tactics hypothetically perpetrated upon them by others, and law enforcement. 

Furthermore, our government, and the American people, must engage in persistent and intelligent dialogue, and forums, and they must educate the American public in these settings to combat any hypothetical rogue or illegal activities, violative of the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution, and jointly, the government and American people, must be more aggressive, in terms of enforcing the Fourth Amendment Constitutional protections that Americans’ have in their right to be left alone in their affairs, and protected from any hypothetical  intrusions thereupon.

Finally, thank you for reading this opinion piece, and as always, “Carpe Diem,” Seize the Day.

Disclaimer, any characterization of any person alive or deceased in this opinion piece is coincidental, and this opinion piece has no bearing, nor any relation to any living or deceased persons.”

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By Dhiren
