Editorial by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

Local Talk is celebrating our 20th Anniversary (as of November 1) but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot hold any event. So, in keeping with our goal to uplift the community, we are joining with the African American Heritage Parade Organization to distribute food, flu shots, eye exams and much more. Also, for the first time, we will be awarding a few individuals who deserve to be recognized for their community service and involvement.

What a roller coaster in our minds. Finally, Election Day arrived and is gone already. However, we do not have a clue as to who will be our president. Both sides are crazy. Thank God that there were no violent protests from either side. Hopefully, it stays peaceful in the coming days or weeks.

According to NBC: “As of Wednesday afternoon, NBC showed Biden leading Trump by approximately 21,000 votes. Wisconsin has 10 Electoral College votes, and Biden’s victory brings his Electoral College total to 237.” Fox News showed Biden is leading to Trump by 248 to 214.

If Fox News’ prediction is good, then Biden needs only 22. Out of that, Michigan is predicted to give Biden 16 electoral votes. Now, Biden needs only 6 votes to win the presidency.

On the other hand, Democrats were hoping to win Senate majority along with the House of Representatives. But to the pollsters’ surprise, only 1 seat has been flipped in the Senate race by the Democrats so far, and majority stayed with Republicans. Instead of 53, now Republicans will have 52 seats. Senators have 6-year terms. Every state has 2 Senators, which means the 50 states yield 100 Senators. This year 50 Senators had expiring terms.

Also in the House, the Republicans gained 4 more seats, but needed 21 seats to take the majority. Congresspersons in the House have elections every 2 years for all the seats. So, each term is 2 years. I do not agree with the 2-year term, because it is a waste of money. Most of the time, the same congressperson is getting elected, because they have name recognition. Why not make it a 4-year term and save taxpayer money on elections?

In NJ’s 10th Congressional District, Donald Payne Jr. won with the usual landslide. He received over 85% of the vote while Republican candidate Jennifer Zinone received a little over 11%. Local candidate and independent Akil Khalfani received 1.2% of the vote.

Amy Kennedy lost the election to Jeff Van Drew, despite having the Kennedy name. That was surprising to many. Under Nancy Pelosi’s leadership, everyone was predicting huge turnover for control of both the House and Senate. She has failed in her mission. As I listen to many news outlets, her handling of the stimulus package negotiations has turned some independent voters to Trump and the Republican side.

Now we all have to wait for days, a week, or weeks for the final result of the presidential election. As we all know, Trump will ask for a recount and investigation the votes, and also will go the lower level courts, and finally, the Supreme Court. He will not give in easily.

Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
