EDITORIAL September 24, 2020 by Dhiren Shah

Hello Readers,

 In the wake of Breonna Taylor’s death, her family agreed to a $12 million settlement with the city of Louisville. However, that does not forgive the mistake made by the police officers who mistakenly invaded her home and shot her to death. Who is responsible? According to me, it’s a murder. Someone did it, and former Louisville, KY detective Brett Hankison was indicted by a grand jury for wanton endangerment for shooting into other apartments. However, none of the officers were charged for shooting Breonna Taylor, because it was in self-defense in their shootout with her boyfriend. It is very difficult to make a judgment. It is a wrong standard. He should go to jail for her murder in my opinion.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are locked in the biggest rivalry for the presidential election in our lifetime. Biden was leading by double digits over Trump. But due to some errors, he lost his huge lead. Now, he is leading by just 6.5 percent over Trump per realclearpolitics.com.

Everyone is waiting for the debate on September 29, 2020. It will be between 9 pm and 10:30 pm. Christopher Wallace has declared that the debate will be in 6 segments of 15 minutes each. The subjects for the six segments will be: “The Trump and Biden Records,” “The Supreme Court,” “COVID-19,” “The Economy,” “Race and Violence in our Cities” and “The Integrity of the Election.” It will be interesting to watch the debate, and it is my prediction that it will break the record for viewers of all the debates in the past.

President Trump will be announcing his nominee for the Supreme Court Justice seat left vacant by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Appellate Federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett is the most likely candidate according to the news. She has been interviewed by Trump twice already. Her record shows her conservative ideas as per the news. The 1973 Roe v. Wade case protects the right of abortion. Now Trump wants to overturn the decision due to his prolife ideas. However, what about the girl who was raped, or the girl who is in her young age was promised by a boyfriend to marry and take care of her for life, but as soon as she gets pregnant he leaves her in the wilderness of our society. Also, what if the girl’s health is bad and she cannot survive a pregnancy?

With this in mind, the Republicans must be stopped for allowing another Supreme Court Justice to be nominated and approved before the election. Let the winning team, whoever it is, decide the vacancy.

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Have a wonderful week.

I’ll talk to you next week.

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By Dhiren
