By Thomas Ellis II

This month, virtual learning started in the state of New Jersey for many of students attending school this 2020 school year. With the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, parents and children have to be online to complete work, since the Newark Public Schools buildings are closed.

There have been several reports of children posting obscene photos during class time, some smoking cigarettes, some laying down in bed trying to do their work, parents cussing and screaming at their children while they are online.

Parents Beware: Others are watching and listening to what you are saying when doing the virtual classes. Also, please make sure that your children have on the proper attire, and not loose and revealing clothing.

We understand that these first few months are going to be very challenging, since this is a first-time learning experience for many. But you should always remember that you and your child are not the only ones online for remote learning.

I have been spoke to several parents during these first couple days of school, and while there may not be a problem for some, others are really beginning to get upset because of the behavior of parents and children that’s online.

It’s hard to believe that grown people are online doing whatever while they are supposed to be assisting their young children and others. There is no focus, and loud music playing in the background, people wearing pajamas, and drinking. This has to stop, as it has become a distraction for the children, and is creating a serious problem for those who want to learn.

We all hope that traditional school as we know it will resume in November 2020, which is at the end of the first quarter of the school year. Hopefully, after a few quirks and obstacles everyone will have a full understanding on how remote learning will operate. Until then, parents and children, be very careful what you say and do during your time in the virtual classroom, because you never know who’s watching.

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By Dhiren
